Motion is Lotion: 5 Exercises to Do Every Day
Some days it’s hard to fit in a Pilates class or a run/swim/bike/etc, but moving in some way is critical, even if only for 5 minutes. Here are a few of my favourites to keep your body moving. Your joints and muscles (and the rest of your body) will thank you! Remember, motion is lotion!
1. BREATHE consciously and align your posture. Stand with your heels and body against a wall and feel how everything settles. Think about the top of your spine, shoulders over ribs, ribs over hips, abs in, ribs not popping and neutral spine. Take 10 deep inhales and exhales. Take notice of your body swaying, breathing and relaxing.
2. "TICK TOCKS". One of my favourites - works your whole body very quickly! Stand with feet hip distance apart, parallel to start, arms at the side of the body at shoulder height, and palms facing up. First, tip your whole body diagonally to the left side, leaving arms out and feet in parallel position ("tick”) with just your right foot lifting slightly off the ground, then tip your body diagonally to the right side, still leaving arms out and feet in the parallel start position (“tock”) with just your left foot lifting slightly off the ground. Keep going, ticking and tocking side to side, like a metronome. I often recommend clients do this for the length of a TV ad, or until you notice your core/arm/glutes "connecting" and think 'I can’t do any more' (then read above - We Can Do Hard Things). :) Next, repeat with feet externally rotated (turned out), and then again with them internally rotated. Note: As you switch foot position (parallel, external, internal), you can also switch your arm position - palms can face down, arms can do circles in one direction and then the other. Enjoy!
3. BALANCE. Standing tall with feet together, collarbone wide, shoulders relaxed, core pulled in, close your eyes and feel if your body sways, connect to your core for balance. Open eyes, hands on hips, lift left leg by bending knee and hold off the floor. Take 6-8 deep breaths or as long as you can balance. Then, repeat on your right leg. (Holding a chair/counter in front of you is also advised - we don’t want any falls).
4. SHOULDER BLADE movements while standing with arms at shoulder height in front of your body. “Oil" your shoulder blades - protract and retract shoulder blades, taking an inhale as you protract and exhale with retraction. Reverse breathing with arm movements. Try 8-10 deep breaths with the shoulder blades moving away from and back to your body. Keep the shoulders down away from your ears - this can also be done lying down on your back, knees bent, feet hip distance apart. (Try it when you wake up and/or lie down to sleep).
5. SIT DOWN/STAND UP down to/up from the floor from a standing position - with no hands. A good way to practice this is with a mat/towel or carpet underneath you. Hold onto something if needed (couch/chair/person) to help or practice pushing off the floor with both hands and then one hand until you can move without using your hands. An important one to practice!
Upside down fun: motion truly is lotion!