We Can Do Hard Things = Flex Pilates Theme for 2024
The past few years have been very challenging for our family with too much cancer & more, too many hospitals and far too many final exits. So, at the first class in January 2024, I declared this the year for doing hard things, because I believe that challenging ourselves to do more than we think we can at a place like a Pilates class allows us to take that confidence with us into other parts of our lives. Anyone who has been to a Flex Pilates class this year has heard me say “We can all do hard things". And we do! We have been doing some of the more difficult Pilates exercises - we break them down into smaller pieces and everyone gives them a try. And every class, everyone does some REALLY hard things! I know that I have been propped up by everyone’s embracing of my 2024 mantra, and I hope you are all taking this with you into your day-to-day too. I feel stronger - both physically and mentally. I hope you do too! Thank you, my friends. I couldn’t be doing all I am without all of you. XO
Pilates on the Rocks, Victoria, B.C.